Making the world better one Neighborhood at a time.
The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning, to create a product or service to make the world a better place." Guy Kawasaki, Entrepreneur, Investor, Author
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
"The old adage, 'If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is' isn't always correct. In fact, the suspicion, cynicism, and doubt that are inherent in this belief can and does keep people from taking advantage of excellent opportunities." Richard Carlson
Bill Long of Ocean Aire Conditioning, Bradenton, Florida: I have the distinction of being one of the first OBMG members and am really glad I took the chance and joined them. It has been exciting watching them grow from the start into what they are today. It has also been exciting having them bring me all the additional business during this time. I don't want anyone telling me how to run my business, and I do not want to tell you how to run yours. But I will tell you if you are not an OBMG member, you are really missing a good thing, and that thing is additional business and more profit; that's OBMG. NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED OBMG Join Form
Q. I am a business owner, large/small, professional, an individual, an unemployed person, an under-employed person, a school & college student, a non-profit and charitable organization, etc. I have unsold products, services, and time and want additional sales/income. Can anybody help?
A. Great question, and here is a great answer. With all that is happening in the world today, many, many need help. And because of the human desire to help, there are many, many helping, and that is fantastic, but it is usually only short-term help. What is needed is long-term help. Have you heard: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. Chinese Proverb. Not exactly appropriate, but close.
If you own a restaurant, OBMG will send you additional customers. If you work on vehicles, OBMG will send you additional customers. If you own a resort, motel, hotel, etc., OBMG will send your more heads for your beds. If you have rental property, OBMG will send you renters. Whatever your business, OBMG will send you additional customers.
OBMG Join Form

Obviously, Business owners and professional persons have something to sell. But what about people? You will probably be surprised that the only thing people get paid for is their time. What they do with their time determines how much they get paid. That is very important to understand because everyone has time, and everyone has a talent, a capability, or a professional skill. And with that realization comes the knowledge that everyone has something to sell, their time. OBMG would be remiss if they did not bring buyers that will utilize their talent, capability, or professional skills.
What OBMG does not offer: Leads, referrals, networking, or advice you on what you need to do for additional sales/income.
What OBMG does offer: Since 1989, guaranteed additional sales for select businesses, professionals, and income for people in the USA and recently Worldwide. With no cost unless we do, and no Credit/Debit card information required. OBMG offers members an unfair advantage over their competition.
Q. What is OBMG?
A. OBMG, OrangeBee Money Global is the name of the company. OBMG is also the name of their medium of exchange, money.
OBMG operates as a Bank Cooperative with member accounts buying/selling with other member accounts utilizing a Complementary Currency, OBMG, as their medium of exchange. In the US OBMG, is complementary to the U.S. dollar, Mexico, the Mexican Peso, etc. It is not in competition with other currencies but complementary to them. OBMG's A+ BBB Rating
Q. Why another kind of money? What is wrong with the U.S. Dollar?
A. There is nothing wrong with the U.S. Dollar as a money, and I do not think most peoples have a problem spending it. But most peoples have trouble getting the U.S. Dollar.
OBMG Money is the "People's Money" and is much easier to get. It offers an alternative, an opportunity to utilize what we have to work with to make a better world for everyone. We do not have a shortage of services or merchandise or a need for them. With OBMG, we have people ready to utilize that service and merchandise that could not afford to with the typical money constraints. The use of OBMG can make everyone's life better.
Richard T. Avis, Attorney, LLC, St Petersburg, Florida: I first heard about OBMG from a business associate that I thought a lot of. I did my due diligence and was surprised at how effective the program was. It allowed me to make some improvements at my own home, and it has also brought me a number of new clients for my law practice with very no effort on my part. I highly recommend OBMG to any professional person or business owner who wants to increase their client base and profits. NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED OBMG Join Form
Q. I want additional income; why should I accept OBMG money instead of cash?
A. You should never accept OBMG instead of cash. OBMG is additional income, never replacing your cash income.
Q. Will I get paid cash for these sales?
A. This additional income will be OBMG and will be deposited into your OBMG Bank account, and then you can draw from and spend this OBMG just as you do with your cash bank account. As with the other mediums of exchange, you must spend them with someone that accepts that medium of exchange.
OBMG Join Form

Q. Cash is king; why should I accept OBMG?
A. Cash is not king; purchasing power is king. And since OBMG is an additional income, you will have more purchasing power if you accept OBMG. Preservation of capital is fundamental to good business practice. That is exactly why you should use every means possible to avoid spending it. OBMG is an excellent way to offset cash expenses. Also, OBMG costs less than cash dollars to acquire.
Q. I need more cash. How does this help me get more?
A. When you purchase, paying with OBMG, you are paying for it with additional income and not spending your cash. You will always have more cash if you accept OBMG, not less.
Also, OBMG will set up any member with an OBMG Neighborhood (signup members worldwide) for only $15.00 cash per month and pay them 30% (sign up only) 70% (signup and broker) of the cash broker fees received from members they get to join their OBMG Neighborhood. Member must maintain an active OBMG Market Place Ad and have no cash fees due.
Joel Zuckerberg, Call A Mattress, Starke, Florida: We have been manufacturing and selling quality mattresses for over 35 years and still get a thrill every time another one goes out. But it's an even bigger thrill when it goes to an OBMG Member because that means we have more of the easy to get, easy to spend, money. And that means we can save more of our hard to get cash; for instance, when the transmission on one of our trucks went out, we just called OBMG, and they had someone to repair it; we paid them OBMG and saved our hard to get cash. And when we needed a warehouse in New York, OBMG got us one on OBMG, OBMG, what a deal. NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED OBMG Join Form
Q. Can I convert my OBMG to cash?
A. Yes, but not directly. When an OBMG member purchases something they would normally spend cash for, obviously, they will not spend cash for that purchase and thus save that amount of cash. OBMG brought them additional OBMG income and when they use that OBMG to make a purchase, they saved that cash, which converts it to cash.
OBMG Join Form

Q. This sounds great, but it must cost a lot of money.
A. Absolute not! There is no cost for a lifetime membership (no credit card required) and no cost when we bring members additional sales; in fact, no cost ever until the member’s first purchase.
That triggers a $15.00 OBMG admin fee each month (OBMG money, not cash). And in any month, their sales and purchases do not exceed $150.00, a $15.00 cash admin fee. But what it actually costs for the additional sales is only a 10% cash broker fee on each purchase.
OBMG also helps unemployed and underemployed, seniors, retirees, school, and college students, etc., earn additional income and pay no cash fees. Just what is there not to love about OBMG?
Kevin Abendroth, Music Matters, New Port Richey, Florida: It has been our pleasure to help the great people of the Tampa Bay area to make beautiful music for 14 years. And OBMG has been making beautiful music for us by bringing us additional sales for many of those years. So, when you become an OBMG member, they will make beautiful music for you, and you will enjoy additional sales and more profit. Oh yes, you pay only a 10% cash broker fee on the additional business they send you. Now, is OBMG not beautiful music? NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED OBMG Join Form
Q. Additional OBMG incomes sounds great. Does OBMG offer its members a way to earn additional cash also?
A. Yes, at no upfront cost to members, please contact us for details.
Q. Can I make personal purchases using OBMG?
A. Absolutely! Any time you buy with OBMG, you do not spend your hard-earned cash, be it business or personal.
Q. OK, I want additional income; how do I start accepting OBMG?
Q. Who else can use my OBMG Account?
A. Your OBMG Account is just like your cash account. You can let anyone use it that you want.
Q. Can I pay my employees with OBMG?
A. Why not? OBMG is a wonderful way to pay employees, be it salary, commissions, bonuses, etc. They can use their OBMG for many of their needs that they now are paying cash. OBMG can be a great morale builder at a very small cost to you.
Q. Can I pay a cash debt with OBMG?
A. Yes, it is often possible to negotiate cash debt payments with OBMG.
Q. Can I make charitable donations with OBMG?
A. Yes, you can, and your tax deductions are the same as cash. The charitable organization can purchase some of their needs from members of OBMG with the OBMG that you donated.
Q. Where are your members located?
A. We are headquartered in sunny Clearwater, Florida USA, and most of our members are currently in the USA, but we are rapidly expending worldwide.
Q. Are high-demand products available on OBMG?
A. Any item in high demand and a low-profit margin for the seller will not usually be available at 100% OBMG. When you purchase other items using OBMG, the cash you save can be used to purchase these items.
Q. What kinds of things are available for OBMG?
A. OBMG’s members’ products and services are continually changing and expanding. You should always anticipate your purchases as far ahead as possible (a good business practice) and check our website before spending cash on anything. However, if you do not find it, you should always check with your broker.
Douglas Cifers, Florida Media, Altamonte Springs, Florida: As a publisher of 17 magazines, we are always looking for ways to increase our ad sales, and when approached with the OBMG concept, we were knocked over; what an incredible business innovation. OBMG has done a fantastic job of bringing us new advertisers with absolutely no effort on our part. And what you can purchase with your OBMG is just as fantastic. We have purchased everything from a digital copy machine to a super-stretch limo. When I pay OBMG their 10% cash broker fee for all they do, I must admit I feel like I am taking advantage of them; OBMG, what a bargain. NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED OBMG Join Form
Q. Will I pay more when I make a purchase paying with OBMG?
A. We do not negotiate prices, but it is our policy that sales are at regular cash prices. If you do not think it is a good deal, do not make the purchase.
Q. What about part cash, part OBMG?
A. In some instances, on very large Dollar sales, the seller may negotiate part cash. The more OBMG you accept, the more sales you will receive.
Q. What about my present customers?
A. OBMG sales are in addition to your present cash customers. OBMG will not convert your cash sales to OBMG sales.
Q. OK, I want additional income; how do I start accepting OBMG?
OBMG Join Form

Q. Can I obtain a line of credit?
A. Yes, we extend credit. The amount will depend on the demand for your products/services. When OBMG extends you a loan, we must send you new customers that will buy from you to pay us back. Try that on your cash bank!
Q. When can I start accepting OBMG?
A. In most cases, you can start as soon as your application has been approved and your marketplace ad is set up, usually from a few hours to a couple of days. NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED OBMG Join Form
Q. What about taxes?
A. In 1982, the United States Congress enacted the Tax, Equity, and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA). OBMG operates under the provision of this Act. OBMG is normally taxable in the year earned and reported to the IRS just as bank interest and income are reported. OBMG recommends Member seek advice from a tax expert. OBMG is not a Legal Tender as defined by the U.S. Congress, and Member accounts are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other such governmental or quasi-governmental agency.
Q. May I buy advertising for my business with OBMG?
A. Yes, paying OBMG for advertising to increase your cash sales is a very efficient way to use your OBMG Spending OBMG for advertising reduces your cost and increases its effectiveness. We have many advertising options available.
Q. What if you have nothing I need?
A. There may be specific items or services you need that we will not have at a specific time. However, we have members that have been with us since 1989, so our members must find products and services they can now obtain with OBMG that used to cost them cash.
Q. How much must I sell on OBMG?
A. You are the one who determines how much OBMG you will accept in any given period. If you wish, you can go on “hold” stop selling, in accordance with OBMG’s Rules and Regulations.
Q. OK, I want additional sales/income, how do I start accepting OBMG?
A. Just click on the link below and complete the form.

+1 727-298-8702
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OBMG's Self Sustainable Neighborhood Economic Ecology