We create machine readable paper that converts handwriting - letters and numbers into data that you can use in spreadsheets, databases, etc. We use a very expensive program to accomplish this called Teleform.
What Is TeleForm?
TeleForm is an intelligent forms automation solution which captures and classifies data from paper forms and electronic documents and extracts the information, using OCR ICR OMR document recognition technology, ready for export to a database.
Key features:
1) capture documents from paper, fax and electronic forms
2) recognize and classify documents
3) read handwritten information from forms
4) validate captured data
5) export data via existing or bespoke exports
6) archive form images
Who Uses TeleForm?
Any company that is concerned with: reducing paper, forms capture, information processing, eForms, digital transformation, or automating business processes.
Why send employees into the field with a laptop or a tablet that can be dropped, lost or stolen. With printable data capture forms, you can employ one to hundreds of people with data capture ability.
Special Conditions:
The possibilities are endless. Basically, we design a form per your requirements. We convert the form into a printable PDF.
Next, you gather handwritten information in the form you created. Submit the forms to us where we will scan them. The OCR software uses 3 scanning OCR engines and "votes" on each character - was that the letter A or was that the letter B.
If there is a small confidence level (in other words, the machine could not verify that it was an A or a B, then, the data is sent to a human being who makes the best determination.
The process is like that used in school where tests were given out and you would use a number 2 pencil to fill out the circles on a page. Well, things have gotten better these days and we can read and translate words and numbers from paper into digital information.
Uses include surveys, inventories, field inspections, and event marketing for follow-up,